четвртак, 12. април 2012.

Druge multyplayer igrice koje ja volim

Cao ljudi sta ima?
Danas cu vam pokazati jedu igricu koja se zove MOSHI MONSTERS.
Da taj mali zeka je moj ljubimac.Ovi ljubimci su jako saljivi i vole da  se golicaju ali ne previse.
Ako mislite da je dosadna uvopste nije logovanje je besplatno zato navalite!Zasto online zaba mora da bude
samo Panfu?
A ako zelite pravu zabavu budie Member Moshi i imacete jos vecu zabavu!

Sad cu vam dati nekoliko zabavnih kodova sa kojima posle registacije mozete da se lepo zabavite.
Kada se registijete ispod Usera i Passa imate jedno przorce gde pise SECKRET CODE!
Tu ce te ukucati ovako!
18 Karat Shiny Parrot: N8AD6679T7CY
Animated Disco Floor: puzzlepalace
Black Pearl of Potion Ocean: JKYDPD7XCTDR
Confetti Rocket: PROFPURPLEX6
Dustbin Beaver Poster: GIFTISLAND23
Firecracker: profpurplex6
Fossil: dailygrowl74
Goblet of Goosebump Gultch: R7CKAFNJDPGU
Hamsterball: Moshlingzoo1
Haunted Diamond Tiara: 33R3HDHD8T6Y
Lavaflow floor: sludgestreet
Lost Marbles of Eggleton: 6GW7AREYH49U
Map of MonstroCity: monstrocity1
Moshling Poster: ALLMOSHLINGS
Mr. Juggles: moshifunpark
R2 Trashcan: GINGERSNAP11
Shimmering Snaggletooth Sapphire: X4D8U834E3XF
Sneezy Flute of Pepper Geyser: 9G4K3P9MLTFP
The Flaming Sword of Awesomeness: 9MT4GMC4NM4Y
Top Trumps Poster: amphisbaenae
Turbo Top Toy: BIGBADBILL31
Telegroan Booth: RINGRING
200 Free Rox: READERBONUS6
Fizbang Poster: DISCO
GB Eye Monster Poster: DJQUACK2
Shakefear Bust: BARDBRAIN
Glumpcake Wallpaper: ADVENTURE
Squishy Stool: MONSTERS
Orange Wiggly Wallpaper: PORT
Rainbow Maker: GOOGENHIME22
Rabbid Roxy rose: HOBBIDIDANCE
One world poster: ONEWORLD
100 free rox: 50MILLION
3D glasses for your monster: REDANDGREEN
100 free rox: WHSMITH1
Silly Gargoyle statue: RASPBERRY
Fizbang poster: Demonsta
Switchy Tyre Swing: NAY76767
Scary Gargoyle statue: ROARSOME1

Newly Added codes:
I ♥ Moshi Mug: SLURP1
200 Rox: BRAINY101
I.G.G.Y Campion Poster: RANCH
Moshi Monsters Beach Poster: WISH
100 rox: flingprize
Lady painting: googenheim
Cudlly Human: bowlerhat2
Captain Buck poster: barnacle
Another Captain Buck poster in caps: BARNACLE
Dragon Wall Art: fiery
Another Dragon Wall Art: FIREY

Twistmas gifts 2011 - http://www.moshigift.com/

Vas malipandasrb!!!!

среда, 1. фебруар 2012.


Hey guys.
Damian101 here. 
Just here to say goodbye.
I am leaving Panfu forever.
Why am I leaving you may ask? Well. To be honest guys in life you find something that has a lot of joy, fun and excitement. And you keep at that activity for a long time. But eventually it begins to get a bit boring, and it doesn't have that same feel as it did when you first started. And then you get to a point where you have to give it up, just let it go, and move on, and find something else that is just as fun.
That is how it is for me when I play Panfu.

I just want to say to everyone I met on Panfu. Friends,friends of friends and even enemies. That I am going to miss you all. I will not forget about you. And I won't forget about entering Panfu and having a great laugh with lots and lots of people from around the world. 
And I shall be thankful to all the people out there who were kind to me and accepted me as a friend. I really do appreciated that guys.   

Well this is going to be the last ever blog post of mine. I want to say a big thank you to all of you for reading my blog posts. and being a member of my blog. Also my old blog had up to  more than 700 blog views. I REALLY was happpy to get that guys. I really was happy.

All I can say now is Thank you for being good friends guys. And I wish you the best in life. Good luck in the future. I wish you all my love and you will be never forgotten.
And if you are a friend of mine that reads the blog, please tell other friends of mine that I left Panfu and that i said goodbye. Thanks guys.

Well there's not much really to say.
Thats about it...

Thank you everyone and goodbye :) 

P.S The main reason why i'm leaving is because I don't want to spend my life on a computer. i am going to start a new youtube account and add videos about stuff. 

lol thats all everyone.
Bye Bye! :)

четвртак, 5. јануар 2012.

Which Bolly are you?

Complete this simple test to find out which Bolly you most resemble :D
What is a Bolly??
Bollys are small, friendly pets that are easy to cuddle! Panfu Pandas have Bollys as their pets. They are small, soft animals that Penny Panda brought back from her adventures in South America. Each Gold Panda may adopt their own Bolly! To do this, go to the pet shop and choose your bolly! (They cost 2500 Panda coins which you can earn by playing games). A bolly is a good pet because it is a loyal and entertaining friend! :)

There are five different kinds of Bolly, each has its own colour (redgreenblack,blue and pink), and its very own distint personality! Complete the quiz below to determine which Bolly is most like you ;)

1. What do you prefer doing on a Friday evening?
♣: Dance! I love playing games and having fun
♥: Just hanging out with my friends, watching a movie and chilling
►: I would like to go on a romantic date, but I am too shy to ask…
☼: Go bowling or minigolfing! But I hate to lose…
♫: Staying up late and playing with torches in my little pillow house
2. Where is your favourite place in Panfu?
►: The farm
♥: The beach
♫: The jungle
♣: The swimming pool
☼: The race track
3. What do you do when you hang out with your friends?
☼: Play sports or blow bubbles
♫: Come up with tricks to fool our parents, circus tricks
►: Go for coffee and cake
♥: Talk for hours, listen to music and just have a good time
♣: Play games, inside or outside, and laugh a lot
4. What characteristics describe you the best?
☼: I like when things happen quickly, otherwise I get a bit impatient and moody
♣: I smile almost all the time and simply take things as they come
♥: I am relaxed and calm
♫: I can be a bit cheeky (but actually I just want to cuddle)
►: I am nice and friendly, but sometimes also a bit shy
5. What is your favourite sport?
♥: Sailing or tennis
♫: Dancing or wrestling
►: Swimming or horseback riding
☼: Judo or ice hockey
♣: Skateboarding or soccer
6. What is your motto?
►: Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself
♫: First a trick, then a treat
☼: It’s fun to be number one
♣: Keep smiling!
♥: Take it easy

Count what symbol you got the most of to see what bolly you are!

What kind of Panda are you?

Count the symbols next to your answers and read the characteristic of the one with the most answers. If you have more than one, you are welcome to read both and decide what suits you best! Have fun!
1) when you have some free time you usually:
♣ go to places you always wanted to but never had time
♥ think of what to wear tomorrow
► clean your room
☼ read books
♫ call your friends to hang out
2) The most important thing in life is:
♫ to have fun
♣ to be free
☼ to discover new things for future generations
♥ to express yourself
► to have family and friends
3) Your favorite fruit is:
☼ apricot
♣ mango
♫ cherry
♥ coconut
4) If you had one wish you would:
♥ go shopping with Paris Hilton
♫ ask for a million dollars to not work until end of your life
♣ go for a trip around the world
► ask for the world peace
☼ ask for the whole possible knowledge
5) Your favorite movie is:
☼ „Harry Potter”
► “Shrek”
♥ “Cinderella”
♫ “Hannah Montana”
♣ „Toy Story”

Count what symbol you got the most of to see what kind of Panda you are!

Quiz: Panfu Quiz

Have you played Panfu for some time already? Do you think you’re a Panfu master? It’s time to test how well you know your way around the island! Even if you’re a beginner you can try your skills with the first questions. They get harder towards the end…
Write down your answers on a piece of paper, and check the results in the end!
1. Where are Penny and Lenny from? (Hint: Producer Pandaberg also comes from there.)
a. Bitterland
b. Palifornia
c. Surflandia
2. Who writes this blog sometimes besides Max and Ella?
a. Evron
b. Paul the Kid
c. Kamaria
3. Where can you buy Pokopets?
a. In the pet store
b. In the pony yard
c. In the barn
4. Who of these are Panfu characters?
a. Darkie, Mickey and Barbara
b. Lili, Manny and Momo
c. Bob and Betty
5. Who is Farid, who we meet in the Ice Diamond quest?
a. Kamaria’s lost love
b. Kamaria’s lost son
c. Pandabeard’s lost parrot
6. What’s Panfu’s adventurer Mr Caruso’s first name?
a. Manny
b. Pete
c. Carl
7. In which hidden place can you find this?

a. By the pony yard
b. Outside the barn
c. In the eerie forest
8. Who went to the Football World Cup in the summer 2010?
a. Max and Ella
b. Max and a dragon princess
c. Max and his Cuddle
9. Who made the movie “The Last Days of Krucio”? (You can see the movie in our YouTube Channel.)
a. Eloise
b. Dr. Feelgood
c. Mr. Pandaberg
10. What happens if you toss a water balloon towards Kamaria who sits in her tower?
a. Kamaria turns you into a chicken
b. Kamaria burns you
c. Kamaria tells you your fortune
11. Where is this piece of cloth hanging?

a. In the swimming pool’s dressing room
b. In the pony stable
c. In Max’s bathroom
12. Who came to visit Panfu on a boat? (More than 1 choice)
a. Benny Bunny
b. Bonez and Eloise
c. Evron
d. JayPea
13. Ella’s and Max’s Pokopets had a race right after the race track was opened. Whose Pokopet won the race?
a. Max’s
b. Ella’s
c. Bill’s
14. After the race (in question 13.), what did the loser have to do?
a. Paint the winner’s tree house
b. Brush the winner’s teeth for a week
c. Bake a cake
15. Where is this?

There are no choices for the last question, you need to really know this one… Otherwise it wouldn’t be that hard, would it? ;)
Now, did you try answering all 15 questions? Did you at least guess? Really? ;)Well then, let’s see how well you did by checking the correct answers.

недеља, 1. јануар 2012.