
Which Bolly are you?

Complete this simple test to find out which Bolly you most resemble :D
What is a Bolly??
Bollys are small, friendly pets that are easy to cuddle! Panfu Pandas have Bollys as their pets. They are small, soft animals that Penny Panda brought back from her adventures in South America. Each Gold Panda may adopt their own Bolly! To do this, go to the pet shop and choose your bolly! (They cost 2500 Panda coins which you can earn by playing games). A bolly is a good pet because it is a loyal and entertaining friend! :)

There are five different kinds of Bolly, each has its own colour (redgreenblack,blue and pink), and its very own distint personality! Complete the quiz below to determine which Bolly is most like you ;)

1. What do you prefer doing on a Friday evening?
♣: Dance! I love playing games and having fun
♥: Just hanging out with my friends, watching a movie and chilling
►: I would like to go on a romantic date, but I am too shy to ask…
☼: Go bowling or minigolfing! But I hate to lose…
♫: Staying up late and playing with torches in my little pillow house
2. Where is your favourite place in Panfu?
►: The farm
♥: The beach
♫: The jungle
♣: The swimming pool
☼: The race track
3. What do you do when you hang out with your friends?
☼: Play sports or blow bubbles
♫: Come up with tricks to fool our parents, circus tricks
►: Go for coffee and cake
♥: Talk for hours, listen to music and just have a good time
♣: Play games, inside or outside, and laugh a lot
4. What characteristics describe you the best?
☼: I like when things happen quickly, otherwise I get a bit impatient and moody
♣: I smile almost all the time and simply take things as they come
♥: I am relaxed and calm
♫: I can be a bit cheeky (but actually I just want to cuddle)
►: I am nice and friendly, but sometimes also a bit shy
5. What is your favourite sport?
♥: Sailing or tennis
♫: Dancing or wrestling
►: Swimming or horseback riding
☼: Judo or ice hockey
♣: Skateboarding or soccer
6. What is your motto?
►: Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself
♫: First a trick, then a treat
☼: It’s fun to be number one
♣: Keep smiling!
♥: Take it easy

Count what symbol you got the most of to see what bolly you are!

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